

  • F/27 Before
  • 1 month after the 1st Treat
    & Before the 2nd Treat
  • 5 months after the 2nd Treat
    & Before the 3rd Treat
  • F/29 Before
  • 1 month after the 1st Treat
    & Before the 2nd Treat
  • 1 month after the 2nd Treat
    & Before the 2nd Treat
  • F/27 Before
  • 2 months after 1st Treat
    & Before the 2nd Treat
  • 5 months after 2nd Treat
    & Before the 3rd Treat
  • 4 months after 3rd Treat
    & Before the 4th Treat
  • F/25 Before
  • 1 month after 1st Treat
    & Before the 2nd Treat
  • 1year after the 2nd Treat
  • F/25 Before
  • 8months after the 1st Treat
    & Before the 2nd Treat
  • 6months after
    the 2nd Treat
  • 22/F Before
  • 1month after
    the 1st Treat
  • 3months after
    the 1st Treat
  • 6months after
    the 2nd Treat